Aight lemme get this out. I WATCH BAD GIRLS CLUB!!!
This ain't the first season either, but I saw almost every episode this season. Let me just say if my chick said that she was going on the show I would immediately break up with her. The point of the show is to ho out of control on camera for 15 minutes of fame. I'll admit in many ways I'm old fashion so I'm not down with the slore species, but I will watch.
First I gotta address Portia. She was the first out the house for fighting. The chick with the sturdiest chin you've ever seen your life, Natalie talked about Portia's child. I was wondering why a chick with kids would be on the show anyway. Fortunately she didn't get a chance to embarrass herself, her child and the rest of her family.
Secondly I'll jump to the chick a lot of people have a problem with...Kendra. This young lady has an affiliation with an organization that I will leave unnamed in this blog out of respect. Speaking of respect, that's one thing Kendra doesn't have for herself or anyone else. She blames her promiscuous ways on her high sex drive and what she does apparently doesn't matter because she's 22 and not 26 like Flo. Maturity?
On to Flo. She's the bisexual chick from New York and she's hella aggressive. They're in the uppity part of L.A. so the dudes don't like chicks like her, but the chicks like chicks like her so that's the only way she gets action. She's always talking about how she is watching out for the other girls to make sure they don't look like sluts. She does do that, and that's the right thing to do, but her intentions are way off. The girls are right, Flo is jealous of the attention the other girls get so she tries to stop the hoes from getting their ho on so she wont get hornier than she already is.
Kate dated this dude named Paul. He hella down to earth, and she slutted around with her bff so he dropped her. #Kudos to my dude. Last episode she had swine flu. You remember in the bible when it says "You reap what you sow"? God never lies *serious face*
Amber is one chick you would not think would date a black dude, but she does. I don't know much about her, but she popped up one episode and pushed Flo in the pool. Flo tossed her like she was the
Big Show or something. Amber went on to party hard and had her legs wrapped around some nig, but dude had a
fiancé IN THE CLUB! And she was a straight NIGGA! #nolie
[pause| How niggas get the nerve to airf**k a random snow in the club when yo gangsta fiancé just a few yards away. You don't know that blonde hair and blue eyes flying in the air is the city version of a flair? |unpause] So as you can guess, Amber got her head knocked in, she ain't cry tho & the Crimson Chin came to her rescue. After the fight was broken up they got the talkin again. So she told her dude what she did and he set her straight, but he came up there. Surprisingly he a cool brotha. Who woulda thunk it?
Oh yeah, Annie is not a bad girl. She's just irritating as hell.
I can't forget Lexie. She's just a party girl from Belleville.
They claim that the purpose of this show and all them hoes in one big house is for them to grow. That's like telling a sex addict to chill out in a brothel for a few months to get over his addiction. Flo said it best, "This F***in house got the f***in devil in it!" The problem is, I thought that was the point. Get a group of girls with bad attitudes in one house, get them drunk and get them in whatever club or bar they want...Oh, don't forget the limo because we need a designated driver so they'll get even more drunk.
I think the point of this show is all out entertainment. Make sure the girls have loud voices and low self-esteems so we can tape the demoralizing fun.