Thursday, February 11, 2010


I never was the type to use this term, but since my vocabulary is hella small I'll whip it out...RATCHET. I spent my four years in HS in a 98% black school in the North County of St. Louis. I too was fooled into thinking that anything with 'county' in the title was white-washed and entirely out of touch suburban. I came from North St. Louis City and got that rude awakening when I stepped on the bus to go to school & the school bus population was 100% negroid. And not just black, but everybody was from North City like me. Well I was still different from everybody (in my opinion, which is the only one that matters) but I listened to most of the same music & tossed on the XXXL Tee's and Jerseys to go to school.

Ever since I made the transition to a 7% (give or take, but most likely take) negroid university, my style & music changed. I began to look at people different. Most people call it judging and I'd say they're right. It was like the coon curtains that I call eyelids finally opened up so I can see the truth.

I'll just cut straight to the point...have you ever seen somebody your same race and then get embarrassed, just downright ashamed? Well I have...

How could I not notice this? This made 'Birth of A Nation' look like a Disn...wait uhh Pix...uhh never mind you know what I mean.

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